One of the characteristics of the human body is existence of a certain correspondence system between the whole of the body and some of its parts. Through this system the whole of the bofy is represented in many place all over the body. Correspondence works in such way that the whole of the body and its representations are interactive. Thus if a part of the body is affected with a disease it is also reflected in the place which represents the affected part. And on the other hand a stimulation of a place which represents a particular part of the body rises a reaction in the represented part. A general idea of existence of this type of body correspondence has already been proved by anatomy and physiology.
A new type of therapy which I have generally named Hand and Foot Acupuncture (Su Jok Acupuncture) is a method of curing diseases by stimulation of the hands and the feet with a combined use of acupuncture, medical treatment aids like moxibustion, finger pressure therapy and others.
Research has already established correspondence between the body and the hand led me to a discovery of a new system of correspondence, in which the thumb represents the head. In addition to that, I was also able to confirm the fact that the foot has the same type of correspondence as the hand. Presuming that an autonomous system of therapy will also be possible through the foot I approached it with acupuncture and moxibustion. This way an application of the domain of Oriental Medicine - acupuncture - exclusively to the hands and the feet developed a new and unique method of treatment and the same established the birth of Su Jok Acupuncture.
Hand and Foot Acupuncture may be classified as a pluralistic system of treatment which has several levels.
The first level, which is based on physical science, utilizes for treatment a simple stimulation of the following body correspondence reaction, body corresponding areas on the hands and the feet. Since a part of the body where sickness appears has it's counterparts - corresponding areas- on the hands and the feet, a stimulation there yields results in therapy. If only there is an understanding of the relation between the body and related to it correspondence structure on the hands and the feet, a practical application of this type of therapy is possible and easy for anyone. Treatment results obtained from stimulation of the corresponding areas of the hand and the foot are tremendous. This popular way of treatment can successfully relieve almost all the complaints.
The other levels of treatment differ from the described above Correspondence Therapy as they utilize distinguished in the Classical Acupuncture and established by the pathways of metaphysical Energy, the Twelve Classical Meridians, the Eight Extra Meridians (Ki Kyong P'al Mek) and belonging to them Points (Hyol). More over it also utilizes a reduced form of those which exist as a result of body correspondence on the hand and the foot in organized flow and branches of Byol Meridians and Byol Points.
Thus on this level we have for disposal a particular system of treatment in which it is possible to utilize experience accumulated from the Classical Acupuncture and to apply its theory just as it is also to link it with the art and the theory characteristic for the newly researched Hand and Foot Acupuncture. Since these two differing from each other systems of treatment are independent no matter which one we will allows to use it will yield a positive result. However they also manifest a flexibility which allows to adjust them to the conditions of the disease and also to use them jointly in order to obtain the best results when efficiency of treatment i.e. its duration is taken in to consideration.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Posted by Hr Mamatha Rani. MBBS(Bio)., BIAMS. at 1:08 PM