Su means hand Jok means foot. Sujok Acupuncture is a general term describing a new system of treatment, comprising of a variety of methods for stimulating the points in hands and feet. Instruments such as needles, moxa, electrical stimulators, seeds, laser, etc., are used to achieve a cure.
After many years of careful observations and clinical experiences Prof.Dr. Park, Jae Woo, of Korea developed a new system of acupuncture using only the hands and feet to effect the results similar to those of body acupuncture. The theoretical basis of this system is the discovery of similarity between the whole body and either of the hands and feet.
This system is safe and efficient with no side effects.
Sujok Acupuncture is a two dimensional system. The first dimension consists of a physical treatment system to simply stimulate to the points in hands or feet corresponding to the affected body parts thereby effecting a cure.
The second dimension treatment draws on Classical Acupuncture. The Classical 12 Main Meridians, the 8 Extra Meridians, and their corresponding points represented on the hands and feet as Byol Meridians and Byol Points. This form of treatment applies the experiences and theories of classical acupuncture in combination with the new theories of Sujok Acupuncture such as Six Ki, Six Emotions, Six Reasons and their treatment using the Byol Meridians and Byol Points.
These two curing systems, when independently used, are effective in treating a variety of diseases. However, the mixture of the two systems, in accordance with the situation, will produce the most rapid cure.
The new theory in ONNURI Medicine is Eight Origin concept, Diamond Energy System, Chakra Treatment, Time Acupuncture, M-Particle Theory and the most revolutionary theory originated by Prof.Park i.e. Triorigin Concept which has given rise to Smile Meditation, Smile Yoga and Spiral Neutro Energy Net system.
In Advanced Sujok application, the human body is represented in the hand and feet based on the Triorigin principle, Triorigin Classification of Internal Organs Meridian, Body Parts, Emotions etc., The Advanced Sujok Therapy is a newly developed science.
Another novel treatment method based on the Neuto principle is the Twist therapy. Twist therapy is a simple, instantly acting, simple method. The treatment effectiveness in Twist therapy is brought about by the Spiral Neutro Meridian Activation.
Twist therapy not only cures diseases but also prevents them as well as preserves health and maintain the wellness of the body. Twist walking based on the Twist Therapy Principle gives ten times more energy as compared to natural walking.
Above all Prof. Park has also developed a new concept based on the Neutro principle called Smile Meditation which can not only be used for treatment but also for achieving self perfection, every human being wants to achieve.
Monday, April 13, 2009
sujok therapy
Posted by Hr Mamatha Rani. MBBS(Bio)., BIAMS. at 11:29 AM
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